Order Anything Page
Now you can order anything on our web page or from our ebay store – or – an item not on our website yet
Important: If there are items you wish to order but they are not yet on our shopping cart system, you can now easily order them using the form below. This will provide the security of our automated ordering system as well as the convenience of including these items in your shopping cart. Just follow these simple steps. For illustrative purposes, we will order an Atlas item #31031 Chicago & Northwestern Evans Boxcar.
For Manufacturer-Stock #: Use a 2 or 3 letter abbreviation for the manufacturer’s name.
For example, ATL or Atlas, ART for Aristocraft, etc. Use a dash followed by the stock #. ATL-31031 would be used to order the Atlas #31031 C&NW car in our example.
Description of Item: Write a brief description of item.
For example C&NW Evans boxcar.
Price: Indicate your estimated price. HOGTRAINZ current prices prevail–you can be sure you’ll get our best price!
Important: Use the “tab” key or mouse to move from field to field. Depending upon your browser, if you use the “Enter” key, it may try to enter an incomplete item into your shopping cart.
Enter the quantity of each item that you want to purchase. Press the ADD button to place it in your Shopping Cart. |
Manuf. - Stock # |
of Item |
Price | Qty
to Order |
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